
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Summer learning journey

For the summer learning journey, we had to go onto the site and choose a blog post to do. I did it about the best chess player in the world. The activity was to make 2 good things if you were him and 2 bad things if you were him. Have you ever played chess before?

Please comment or give some feedback?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Summer learning journey

For the summer learning journey, we had to go onto the site and choose a blog post to do. I did it about sports and leisure and the activity was to make some similes and use the words on the site. Have you ever made some similes

Please comment or give some feedback?

Summer learning journey

For summer learning journey, we had to go onto the site and choose an activity and then do what it says, I did it on make up your own 5 words because Roald Dahl made-up words. Have you ever made-up words?

Please comment or ask a question and give some feedback.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Summer learning journey

For the summer learning journey, we had to do the first week's task and it was about Lorde and I did it on google drawing because it is easy to make a poster on it. I think I've done really good and the information is from google. Have you done a poster on Lorde, did you like it?

Please comment or give some feedback.